The third level: Mountain Top Worship
Exodus 24
The third level of worship (refer to verses 12–18) God calls Moses to go up. There were 74 persons in the previous level, yet only one was prepared for more ascension! Doesn’t this cause us to wonder?! Doesn’t it also cause us to long for the levels of the mountain of worship? God does not have favoritism; yet, it is important to be sufficiently prepared for this ascension. There are dangers awaiting those who ascend! It is not only the difficulty of going up which the soul usually tries to avoid and seek to be exempt of. There are more dangers than just this. The enemy stands to guard the entrances of the mountain that lead
upwards. He knows that those who ascend pose a great danger to his kingdom, the kingdom of darkness.
In the journey upwards, we meet the lions and leopards (Song of Solomon 4: 8)! At the very top of the mountain, God starts to be revealed as the Trinity. We then see the Son, Our Savior, in His bridal image longing so much for His bride and awaiting her: ‘Come with Me, my spouse. Come up. Do not be afraid. Your suffering will be transformed into bridal ornamentation. Your suffering will be fellowship in my suffering that will prepare you for more of the power of My resurrection.’ (Philippians 3: 10)
Then, Moses entered into the cloud and was not seen! Here, the bride enters the bridal chamber of the Bridegroom. She passes through the cloud, the separating curtain. Behind this curtain, there are mysteries, fellowship, and bridal unity of love that no one understands or sees. There, the words stop. Love does not need words. (Zephaniah 3:17)
This love also prepares and qualifies the bride for another kind of ministry to the Bridegroom and His people; it is the most important thing that the Bridegroom desires and this is: to dwell in the midst of His people –not be a mere visitor whom we invite in the meetings and then invite again and again as though we are not ready for His constant dwelling with us. This constant dwelling requires attentiveness –which we are not used to or want to be under its yoke, though He has said: ‘My yoke is easy and My burden is light’
(Matthew 11:30)
The bride is granted the mysteries of establishing a dwelling place for the Lord. At the moment, He dwells in us as He has made us His new spiritual temple. (1Corinthians 3:16) Yet, He also desires to dwell among us. (2 Corinthians 6:16b)
Moses came out of this encounter with all the mysteries of the tabernacle and declared to the people the desire of God: ‘let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them’ (Exodus 25: 8). We notice that this has been God’s constant request from the beginning to the end. (Exodus 25:8, 1Kings 8:1–11, Ephesians 2:22, Revelation 21:3)
Not only this, but this encounter at the top of the mountain also causes one to long for more
and drives one to repeatedly ask for this experience until God calls him to it another time:
‘Please, show me Your glory’ (Exodus 33:18,19). One would then be filled with the presence and glory of God. Therefore, when Moses came down from the mountain the second time, he was shining with grace and his face was shining to the extent that the children of Israel could not look at him. (Exodus 34:29,30)
We are called to the fellowship of glory with God in His Son, according to His intercession prayer on our behalf. (John 17:22) On the Mount of transfiguration, Jesus was transfigured to show us that this is available for every redeemed person. It is the desire of God’s heart that the grace of redemption would be transfigured in us attracting others to Him. He desires that His glory may rest upon His people to shine to the world for their salvation. (Isaiah 60:1–3)
Activity for Today
You may pick one of the 10 attributes of God below as a central focus of your worship today. Meditate on the attribute throughout your day.
● God my Maker
● God my Rock
● God my Savior
● God my stronghold
● God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
● God of all comfort
● God of all mankind
● God of glory God of grace
● God of hope
● God of love and peace
Prayer For Today
Father may I be lifted higher in fellowship with you. May your glory rest upon me to shine to the world for their salvation.
Music For Today
‘Here In My Life ’ by Hillsong United