30-Day Worship Challenge: Day 6: The Great Sin

30-Day Worship Challenge: Day 6: The Great Sin 

Matthew 6:21

When Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21), He was punctuating the absolute centrality of worship as the determinant for every human future. Worship or adoration is the most powerful expression a human being is capable of. When worship is directed to an unworthy person or object, we call it idolatry. Idolatry, not pride as we are often told, is the root of all sin. Pride is the wrong view of self that fuels idolatry, but the ultimate sin is the actual act of placing anyone or anything on the throne that is God’s alone. The first of God’s “Top 10” commands forbids idolatry with the words “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3), and Jesus reiterated that reality, circling “Love the Lord your God” as the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:34–40Mark 12:28–34).

The highest and most powerful human experience is to express our love to the most worthy object of that affection. In the elevation of Christ’s worthiness, our greatest joy is discovered. The greatest sin, then, is directing that adoration elsewhere; not only because it insults God, but also because it insulates our hearts from the delight we were created to revel in. To fail at worship is the greatest failure a human is capable of with the gravest and most immediate of consequences. But when a believing community amplifies worship as their ultimate priority, they are shaped by that adoration into the most powerful human force possible.

Excerpted from Vertical Church.

 Activity for Today

You may pick one of the 10 attributes of God below as a central focus of your worship today. Meditate on the attribute throughout your day.

● The rock in whom I take refuge ● The spring of living water ● The strength of my heart ● The true God ● You who hear prayer ● You who judge righteously and test the heart and mind ● You who keep your covenant of love with your servants ● You who love the people ● Your glory Your praise ● Your very great reward

 Prayer For Today
Lord grant me the grace to build my treasures in you. May I never direct my adoration anywhere else but to you. May I never fail to worship you, in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Music For Today

‘Made A Way’ - Travis Greene

Past challenges can be found at:
