30-Day Worship Challenge Day 15: Jehovah Raah
Psalm 23:1, Ezekiel 34:11-16, Matthew 25:31-46
In the Old Testament Jehovah-Raah (The Lord my Shepherd) is used in Psalm 23. As a shepherd, God takes great care of believers. Psalm 23 references when David was himself a shepherd. He knew by experience the cares and tender affections a good shepherd shows towards his flock. He remembered what needs the flock had of a shepherd, and what kindness it was to them to have a shepherd who was skillful and faithful. David himself once ventured his life to rescue a lamb so he knew that God could do exceedingly more to rescue His sheep (him).
Ezekiel speaks of the shepherd who searches for lost sheep, rescues them from danger, and feeds them from rich pastures. Mathew makes the metaphor personal, as Jesus blesses the “sheep” who feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Truly, this manner of shepherding is an occasion to join the psalmist in making “a joyful noise to the LORD,” for we are indeed God’s people, the sheep of God’s pasture.
Today, celebrate Jehovah Raah, your great shepherd in worship for the great confidence which believers have in God is this,: "If the Lord is our shepherd, our feeder, we may conclude we shall not want any thing that is really necessary and good for us”.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord.
Come into God’s presence with singing.
Give thanks to the Lord; bless God’s holy name, for God’s steadfast love is present now and endures forever.
Music For Today:
‘Psalm 23” by Ingrid DuMosch